Hi! I’m Lance Brown. No, not that Lance Brown. Well wait, maybe…

I was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, grew up in Dalton, MA, spent most of my college years in the 5-college area near UMass-Amherst, and then moved to Northern California in 1998. A little Oakland/Alameda, a year of Sacramento, and then off to the Sierra foothills, where I lived for 13 years (near Nevada City and Grass Valley, CA). I now live in Lake Los Angeles in Southern California.

click to visit PNAC.info

Some of the things I’ve done or been associated with include:

I ran a quixotic long-term campaign for president from 1994 until the mid-2000s.

I was co-founder and community manager of PeoplesForum.com (RIP), an online debate & discussion community, from 1998-2007.

I created PNAC.info, a web site that was dedicated to exposing the neoconservative Project for the New American Century.

I created StopCarnivore.org, a web site that was devoted to stopping the FBI’s “Carnivore” Internet wiretap tool.

I was Chair of the Nevada County Libertarian Party from 2001-2004.

Way back in the day, I was Chair of the UMass Cannabis Reform Coalition (now the oldest student-run drug reform group in the country).

So…I’m that Lance Brown. (Was it the one you were thinking of?)

These days, I am mostly…

The Little Things
The Little Things

…building web sites for local clients (I specialize in WordPress, which I have been using since it first came out in 2003), and coaching/supporting folks who already have sites;

…writing my bi-weekly column, The Not-So-Simple Life;

…publishing new editions of my comic The Little Things on an irregular basis;

…launching my latest web project, One Minute of Nature;

and plotting many, many other things of mostly-unrealistic magnitude.

My next major forays will most likely be in the fields of screenwriting/filmmaking, and music production. And podcasting. And some other stuff.

While I’m semi-retired from politics for now, it’s definitely not because I have lost my passion for politics, or for peaceful revolution in America. I will be pursuing that passion with great vigor again at some point in the future. (For now, please visit my site GreenLiberty.org, which is gradually coming to life.)

You should follow me on Twitter, if you aren’t yet.

Thanks for stopping by! I really enjoyed having you meet me just now. I hope it was good for you too. Feel free to get in touch if you’d like!

Here are some Lance Browns that I’m not:


Lance Brown the musician and Will Rogers impersonator

Lance Brown the former NFL player

Lance Brown the graphic designer/artist

Lance Brown the New York dermatologist