Today on Twitter I posted a link to an old blog entry of mine, originally from my presidential campaign site, called “The USA-PATRIOT Axe”.

Since Congress is currently in the process of slithering through another renewal of some the lamest parts of that law, it seems like a great time to visit that old post of mine, which I think still holds up pretty well after about 8 years. So here you go:


May 25, 2003

This article (“Patriot Raid”, by Jason Halperin) gives the “USA-PATRIOT” Act some perspective — a first-person one. He experienced a raid while eating dinner at a restaurant in New York City, where the agents involved claimed the “USA-PATRIOT” Act as the legal cover for the raid and their conduct during it.

If you know anyone who says, “Don’t worry about the Patriot Act…it only applies to terrorists and immigrants…if you’re not doing anything wrong, you’ve got nothing to worry about…the Patriot Act is just providing law enforcement with the tools it needs…”, make them read this article. Twice if necessary. Make them acknowledge the reality of it. If they want to continue thinking the above thoughts, fine. But they need to make sure they aren’t playing fast and loose with Pastor Martin Niemoller-style excuses and evasions.

The USA-PATRIOT Act means machine guns in your face, and boots kicking in doors where you are, doing your innocent and ordinary things. Not just the terrorists and the guilty, not just the immigrants and the minorities…you. You, sitting there in a restaurant eating dinner. …

Read the whole entry here.